Warband Schedule

Because warbands occur every 7 hours and there are 7 days in a week, warband times are the same on every specific day of the week (if a warband is at 2PM on Tuesday then next Tuesday there will also be one at 2PM). The following table shows warband times for every day of the week, adjusted to your computer's timezone. The red line indicates reset (midnight GMT). The blue box indicates the current time.

  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Rune Goldberg

First Rune
Nature Rune
Reported by 99.4%.

Second Rune
Chaos Rune
Reported by 55.3%. Smoke Rune
Reported by 21.9%. Mind Rune
Reported by 16.8%.

Please click the second rune that worked for you.
First rune incorrect or appropriate second rune not shown? Please click here to submit a detailed report.

Next Wave

3 minutes

Time Till Reset




Player owned farm


Warband FCs

Alpha WBS
Torment WBS

Want to earn a permanent spot in a Warband FC? Try one of these recruiting allies.