Admin Login


If you need to talk to us, you can contact one of the following admins in game:

  • Proselyte Ko
  • Yt Haar
  • Quest Luke
  • Am J
  • system
  • Nsj
  • Elfie
  • As I am a RuneScape player myself, I want to block any ads about RuneScape gold selling or botting. Please email me if you see any inappropriate ad or have general remarks/feedback about the tracker. Please indicate the URL of the offending website and include a screenshot of the ad if possible.

    Rune Goldberg

    First Rune
    Nature Rune
Reported by 99.4%.

    Second Rune
    Chaos Rune
Reported by 55.3%. Smoke Rune
Reported by 21.9%. Mind Rune
Reported by 16.8%.

    Please click the second rune that worked for you.
    First rune incorrect or appropriate second rune not shown? Please click here to submit a detailed report.

    Next Wave

    Wave Started

    Time Till Reset




    Player owned farm


    Warband FCs

    Alpha WBS
    WBS M8
    Torment WBS

    Want to earn a permanent spot in a Warband FC? Try one of these recruiting allies.